Calibrated Beads
Are you looking for the perfect beads to add a little extra sparkle to your jewelry designs?
Calibrated rondelle beads are here to save the day! These beautiful natural gemstones have been hand cut and polished, giving them a unique and elegant look. We also offer two sizes, 6mm and 8mm, so they can be used in any design as an accent or focal point. It’s easy to string these beads too – no need for special tools with our large 1mm drill hole!
With their wide variety of colors and shapes, these gorgeous gemstone rondelles will take your jewelry creations from good to great. Every Piece is perfectly matched in color, thanks to our meticulous quality control process.
Shop today on our website for all of your perfect gemstone rondelle bead needs!
Straight Sizes Only.
Fixed Height, Fixed Width.
National Facets