What is Malachite?
Malachite is a green mineral that is a basic copper carbonate. It is often found in the form of massive, botryoidal, or stalactitic aggregates, and is a common secondary mineral in the weathering zones of copper deposits. It is also used as an ornamental stone and a minor ore of copper.
Malachite Gemstones
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National Facets
What is malachite gemstone?
Malachite is a gemstone that is made of green copper carbonate mineral and often used as an ore of copper. Green stone malachite has an opaque transparency and sometimes has a patterned surface. Malachite is a rich shade of green and its meaning is transformation and positive change.
What are the different types of malachite gemstone?
There are two main types of malachite gemstones which include banded malachite and solid malachite. Banded malachite is characterized by its distinct banded patterns, which are formed by the layers of the mineral growing at different rates. Solid malachite is a more uniform green color and does not have the banded pattern. It can be cut and polished into a variety of shapes and sizes and is often used in cabochons and beads. The Malachite gemstone can also be categorized by the color and clarity of the stone.
What are the properties of malachite gemstone?
Green Malachite gemstone has energetic physical, and healing properties. It’s a stone known to keep blood pressure on the down low and its calming nature certainly helps this. Malachite metaphysical properties include working in harmony with the bones, encouraging quick healing for broken bones, torn muscles, and problems with the joints. Malachite is a protective stone that helps to clear away negative energies. It is also the stone of transformation as it can grant you courage and encourages the wearer to take risks. The powers of the malachite gemstone beads influence healing at the physical and emotional levels, drawing out impurities and stimulating the life force throughout the aura and body. Also, the malachite properties healing include regulating the menstrual cycle and cramps, easing labor pain, dealing with depression and anxiety, and drawing out negative energies from the body.
Where is malachite found?
Malachite stone occurs worldwide including Congo, Gabon, Zambia, Namibia, Mexico, Australia, and with the largest deposit/mine in the Urals region, Russia. Malachite has been suitable for mineral pigment in green paints since antiquity, decorative vase, ornamental stone, and gemstone.
What are the Colors available in malachite gemstone?
Malachite is known for its bright green color, which ranges from a pale, mint green to a deep, forest green. Malachite color can be affected by the amount of copper in the mineral and the presence of other impurities. The most common color of malachite gemstone include bright green, dark green, blackish green, with malachite crystals deeper shades of green, even very dark to nearly black, and green to yellowish green in transmitted light.
Where to buy malachite gemstone?
You can buy real gemstone beads from various sources, such as:
- Jewelry stores
- Online gemstone retailers
- Gem and mineral shows
- bulk beads wholesale dealers
Also, while choosing bulk beads for sale be sure to purchase from reputable sellers to check the quality and authenticity to ensure that it is genuine gemstone beads. Therefore buy wholesale beads in bulk from reputed sellers.
At National Facets, we strive to produce the finest quality of beautiful gemstones. We offer a wide variety of premium-quality Natural Gemstones on the internet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is malachite a lucky stone?
A: The ancient Egyptians called malachite as a ‘God Stone’ as it was used as an amulet that can avoid the threat of death or protect the wearer from negative entities. People consider Malachite as a lucky stone as it is associated with fertility, death, the afterlife, and resurrection. Also, it was used as an amulet that can avoid the threat of death or protect the wearer from negative entities. This is a powerful precious stone; it's also known as the power stone.
Q: What is malachite stone good for?
A: Malachite benefits in flushing out toxic emotions and unwanted energy and provides the wearer an inner strength and confidence. It also helps you embrace change and provides immense powers of protection. Wearing malachite helps to flush out toxic emotions, clears away unwanted energies, and ensures that those negative vibes stay 6 feet away at all times. It gives you courage, wisdom, and the ability to spot and say no to all kinds of emotional blackmail. Malachite also gives you a daily dose of courage, invites you to step out of your comfort zone, and serves up a savvy reminder that to move forward in life, there are some things you may need to leave behind.
Q: Who can wear malachite?
A: Malachite is an amazing birthstone for Scorpios and Capricorns. Scorpios have an ever-changing flow of energy (all part of being a water sign) and Malachite knows how to keep you firmly protected as you sweep down all these different rivers. It’s a journey stone, and Scorpios seem ever to be heading out on some adventure. The wearer of malachite gemstone will have emotional balance. It keeps the wearer without letting go of empathy or losing balance, but somehow keeps them centered, calm, and able to approach emotional decisions with ease and grace.
Q: What chakra is malachite?
A: The empowering Malachite balances the Heart Chakra and the Throat Chakra. This stone of transformation helps reveal and heal emotional pain by absorbing the pain into itself. It is beneficial in bringing ease during times of change and gives the insight needed for personal growth.
Q: What stone goes well with malachite?
A: There are ten best crystal combination stones that go well with Malachite. It includes chrysocolla, azurite, amethyst, faceted black tourmaline, rose quartz, red malachite gemstone jasper, chalcopyrite, turquoise, rhodonite, and tiger’s eye.
Q: How do I know if my malachite is real?
A: There are a few ways to determine if a malachite specimen is real or not. First and foremost, observe the color. Then, you can check its originality by:
- Inspecting the pattern
- Checking for weight
- Analyzing the scratches
Malachite can be treated to enhance its color and clarity, so it's important to know if the specimen is treated or not. A professional gemologist can identify if the specimen has been treated.